

Pillars and Orientation

The UOF’s development is based on four organizational pillars supported by guidelines:

Strategic orientations indicate the paths to take to advance according to priorities, and to achieve institutional targets.

  1. Organizational Development

    • Maintain organizational efficiency
    • Optimize the contribution of internal skills and balance the organizational structure
    • Manage physical and digital infrastructures in tandem with growth
    • Optimize financial management from a viable and sustainable development perspective
  2. Education and Research

    • Develop educational offerings and research in a targeted, structured way
    • Make the quality of teaching, learning, and research a priority
    • Structure experiential learning, from classrooms to internships
  3. Student Pathway

    • Make human-scale environment and student support a distinctive brand
    • Develop and offer integrated support for student development
    • Enhance the UOF’s contribution as a channel to welcome and integrate newcomers and immigrants
  4. Community Outreach and Involvement

    • Increase the proportion of Ontarian students
    • Strategically accentuate the UOF’s partnership approach and brand awareness
    • Create a physical space for the Carrefour des savoirs et de l’innovation, with key partners