Priorities and Targets
Financial Viability
- Management and budgeting of the transition from agreements with insured government envelopes to strategic mandate agreements (SMAs).
Impact in Ontario
- Socio-economic benefits in Ontario: contribution to the linguistic, social, cultural, and economic vitality of the province and of Ontario’s Francophonie, particularly in Toronto and the Central-Southwest region.
Academic Excellence
- Retention, graduation, and employment rates 6 months and 2 years after completion of studies (including continuation to a higher cycle).
- Innovative structuring research initiatives to raise the UOF’s profile in the scientific community.
- This positioning aims to highlight the University’s uniqueness and points of differentiation.
The UOF defines itself as follows:
This positioning is reflected in the following statements:
Student Clientele
The UOF is dedicated to young Francophones in Canada, and more specifically to Francophone and bilingual students in Ontario. The University also hopes that international students will remain in Ontario after their studies, contributing to the province’s socio-economic development.
Areas of Excellence
- Administration sciences
- Education sciences
- Social and human sciences
Pedagogical Signature
- Issue-based and transdisciplinary approach.
- Sustained experiential learning throughout the course of studies.
- Distinctive delivery of programs and courses, notably through co-modality.
- Personalized student support.
Niches of expertise
- Responsible and sustainable development: for sensible, sustainable development that takes account of social, environmental, and economic dimensions.
- Impact innovation: for advances that are relevant, that are connected to the community and society, and that are responding concretely to needs.
Research Areas
- Encourage citizen science and critical thinking;
- Design practices and policies for a just and equitable society;
- Meet the challenges of environmental issues.
The priorities and targets mobilize towards a common destination, towards convergence.