Why Adopt a Strategic Plan?

Relevance, excellence, growth

The desire for a French-language university of governance in Ontario, embodied by the Université de l’Ontario français (UOF), is a reality. Events unfolded rapidly from the design phase onwards, with the establishment of an organizational structure and the hiring of staff, the creation of programs and the recruitment and welcoming of the first cohort of students in September 2021. The development of the UOF was intense, as everything had to be created before the first courses were taught, on budget, and all in times of pandemic and confinement. The result, however, was a success!

Now that the start-up phase has been completed, the University turns its attention to the next stage: development. This is the aim of the 2024-2028 strategic plan, with its keywords of relevance, growth, and excellence.

This document, developed from the constructive findings gathered since the birth of the UOF, clarifies the foundations of the University’s mission, vision, and values; it identifies the elements that differentiate the University; and it establishes the priorities and directions that will guide decisions until 2028.

The strategic plan also prepares the UOF for the first Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA) in which the UOF will be entered with the provincial government after the original financing agreement that created the university expires. In fact, the strategic plan marks the beginning of a transition from the current operation based entirely on a government budget envelope to one based on diversified budget sources.

The 2024-2028 strategic plan is evolving and flexible, in order for the University to adapt and be proactive in response to the changing needs and the environment. It constitutes the common roadmap for the full realization of the UOF.

Objectives of Planning

  • Achieve a common understanding of the University;
  • Identify guidelines for priorities and resource allocation;
  • Update the UOF’s fundamentals to cope with a changing environment;
  • Anchor the aims of the UOF academic community, and those of governments

Recognition of Territories

We recognize that the Université de l’Ontario français is located on a vast territory registered by the Wampum Belt Treaty, referring to the “one-spoon bowl” concept, and agreeing to peacefully share and preserve resources all around the Great Lakes. Witness to thousands of years of human activity and coexistence, our territory, Toronto, continues to be a meeting place frequented and adopted by many Indigenous peoples from the four corners of Turtle Island. We are grateful to these First Peoples for the opportunity to meet and work on this territory.